
Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “By Allah, I am not afraid that you will be poor, but I fear that worldly wealth will be bestowed upon you as it was bestowed upon those who lived before you. So you will compete amongst yourselves for it, as they competed for it, and it will destroy you as it did them." [Bukhari]

Friday, December 11, 2009

Ba'din (The Traveller)

"With great power, comes great responsibilities" A boy, whose mind troubled, trying to figure out what was his uncle trying to say, just before he left town. He was busy gathering supplies for his journey when his uncle came to him, giving some advise about being a man, taking responsibilities for his actions. "What power? Responsibilities?" The boy just shook his head, signaling he had no idea what would he be facing in this unexpected journey. The horse walked along the road, pulling the bundle of hays with the master on top & a hitchhiker who's grateful for the free transport to the next town, moving pass the green open fields, mountains & beautiful streams. He never knew what was he missing when being in that old house, with no one to show him the beauty of the world, except for his uncle who took care of him since his family were gone when he was a toddler. Some say his family were victims of a fire which was a devastating accident, & others rumored that they were slaves of jealousy by people who envied his father's wealth. But his uncle knew, that whatever the cause, he would help the boy, showing him the path of a man should take, showing the ropes you might say. That day when he said that he wanted to get out of town, the 50-year-old carpenter realized that the once toddler must choose his own path from now on.
Well, on that smooth trip, where the sun was high in the sky, a boy was solving a puzzle of his life. Then, a voice slowly became strong, " Young man, where are you heading? You look like a man with high hopes, trying to get a job?" asked the old man. He smiled, "I'm trying to find something that I love in life, & i want to hold on to it". The old man laughed, " Well, good luck with that, we all trying to get that happiness, i hope you find it as early as possible, you'll regret it when you didn't". The boy paused, he didn't know that it would be that hard. After a long thought about it, he eventually fell asleep. Dreams took him away, filling his head with the future he had no knowledge of. He saw himself arriving in a well-known town, he was greeted happily by the people, like he's one of them.
The next day, he was off, to another town. He was confused, why did he had to leave even though he was so happy there?. "WOOO!" the horse stopped at a small village, the old man got down & was starting to walk to a cottage. The boy was startled, dream suddenly vanished, but the answer still remained hidden. Without any doubt he didn't know where he was, nor knowing where did that old farmer gone too. He's trying to decide whether he should just go into the village & find that old man, or just sit there & wait. For that short time, he looked around, trying to get some clues where he was actually. Suddenly,...

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